

About Us

Cub scouting is a family program designed for youth who are kindergarten through the fifth grade (or 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 years of age).  We are part of the El Camino Real District of the Orange County Council. Our scouts come from our schools, our parishes, and surrounding communities.   Cub Scouting means “doing.”  Everything in Cub Scouting is designed to have the youth doing things.  Activities are used to achieve the aims of Scouting - citizenship training, character development, outdoor fun and personal fitness. We currently have about 25 Cubs in our Pack and are continuing to grow in size.  We invite you to contact us at the link provided to the left for more information about how your child can join our unit and begin their own rewarding journey as a Cub Scout.  Get ready for outdoor adventure, the chance to make new friends in a Den and Pack and a whole host of fun activities designed for character development and confidence building.


Pack 705 Mission Statement

Cub Scout Pack 705 follows the mission of the Cub Scout program administered by Scouts of America (BSA) which is to help build character, develop spiritual growth by teaching duty to God through program tenets, activities and the religious emblems program, learn citizenship, provide outdoor and other adventure opportunities, and help each Scout develop life skills and interests through personal achievement and service projects.  The Cub Scout promise is a pledge of duty to God and other people and the Pack strives to offer purposeful and fun activities and experiences that help the Scout live out his promise. The Cub Scout Motto is "Do Your Best" which is one of the most important things Cub Scouts learn because focusing on doing their personal best helps them feel good about themselves and see their potential for doing even better.